Monday, June 18, 2012

Introduction to an "Inspired" Version of Maximized Living

A couple of months ago I went to visit a good friend of mine who I hadn't seen for about a year. She moved slightly out of town and it was time for a visit. What I saw when I walked into her house almost made me fall over. My friend was completely transformed. Glowing skin. A teeny waist and hips. Shapely arms. And energy to burn.

That night as we sipped red wine, my friend and I talked about the Maximized Living nutrition plan and her Maximized Living practitioner, a chiropractor. I listened about how my friend's health problems completely disappeared since she embarked on the Maximized Living lifestyle; now gone were her migraine headaches, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and lumps in her breasts. The following week I located a Maximized Living Center in my area and went there to purchase the Maximized Living Nutrition Plan book. I read it with amazement. What I knew about nutrition (and I know a fair bit) went out the window and in came new knowledge that I wanted to apply to my own life. 
Here's the book.

It took another two months before I made an appointment with "Dr. Jeff" and had my initial consultation. Today is officially Day 1 of my nutritional program and this blog is intended to help others who begin the program and don't know what to expect or are seeking support from another person who is "doing it."

Here's what I know. I'm tired of being over-fat, un-fit, nutrient-depleted, and de-energized. I want something that will work for me FOR LIFE. I believe this is it. The program is based on scientific principles and it makes complete sense. Also, you don't need to have a gym membership or fancy equipment at home to get fit and stay fit. With the Max T3 workouts, all you need is 12 minutes a day! There goes your excuses out the window about not having the time or money. If you have an extended health care plan through your employer you're set to go because all of the wellness services are covered under "chiropractic."

I fully expect to suffer from sugar withdrawal, yet I am really excited about the benefits that are to follow!

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